A Place to Call Home.
Family Care
Providing a nurturing family atmosphere for vulnerable girls is the passion of our hearts and the dedication of our lives. That’s why we adopt Hill tribe girls into our home in Chiang Rai.
These girls are at extreme risk of falling through the cracks back into a life of extreme poverty or being exposed to sexual exploitation. The girls who join our family have suffered varying degrees of emotional or physical abuse, are from extremely remote villages with no access to resources or opportunities for education and have either been orphaned or abandoned.
These beautiful girls haven’t been raised in a family environment prior to being adopted into our home. We believe that a nurturing family home provides the best opportunity to mentor these teenage girls into adulthood. A positive trend is developing in this direction based on research done by children’s rights organizations. Unlike institutional care facilities, and like a family, we remain in a relationship with and continue to mentor our adult daughters after they leave home. #wearefamily
HOW YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE: you provide a safe, positive, and nurturing family environment that includes full personal care and ongoing educational opportunities for these beautiful young girls, who because of your support are able to see their dreams and visions become a reality.